Saturday, September 11, 2010

Eleventh Day of the Ninth Month

As that sordid tale of woe lives on
Defunct the cowardly souls of miscreants
Who brought blood and tears as gifts
To the door where freedom is cherished

Hiding behind deeply acrid fanaticism
They boil inside with scalding hatred
For any that disagree with their dogma
An ancient way of subjugated conformity

The civilized folk advanced their means
Improved their lives and built up dreams
Nations which cherish that liberty came
Where actions not station set the stage

Squalor of caves and deserts does bring
That smoldering envy of lives so free
They took our planes and struck with fury
As towers fell the world stood still

Would the reign of freedom find its end?
Was life and liberty now crumbled dust?
Yet a sobering wind blew 'cross the land
Revived those values we cherish most

We calmly grasped our mighty swords
Struck them back with unfettered resolve
Our rockets flared and rifles roared
Dealing fate to the peddlers of hate

Never forget those lives we lost
Both on that day and ever since
Mothers and fathers and children
Whose loved ones never made it home

But especially grateful we should be
To those who fought bravely to protect
The rest of us who live in freedom
Their sacrifice grants us our peace

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